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Feed The needy

Feed The needy

Water well

Water well

2Kg Dates

2Kg Dates

Support a family

Support a family

Al-Khair Kitchen Amended 2-01

Ramadhan Kitchen (Lebanon, Yemen and Gaza)

Could provide cooked meals to 40 people in Lebanon/Yemen/Gaza

Could provide cooked meals to 100 people in Lebanon/Yemen/Gaza

Could provide cooked meals to 300 people in Lebanon/Yemen/Gaza

Could provide cooked meals to 500 people in Lebanon/Yemen/Gaza


Eid Gift Packs

Each gift pack may contain items depending on local needs and tradition-Ladies suit (Shalwar Kameez)/ Sharee/Lungi, Kids suit , Ladies Shoes, Kids Shoes, Tasbeeh, Kids Toys, vermicelles, sweet for children, Beauty soap, school bag/note book). The contents may vary from country to country


Food Pack

Kaffarah (Per person)

Kaffarah (Per person)

Kaffarah is paid by those who deliberately miss or break a fast in the month of Ramadan without a valid reason.To atone for the missed/broken fast, provide 60 poor people with two meals a day)


Iftar meal (£3 per meal)

Minimum of 4 Meals


Fidyah (£5/day)

Project 313

Project 313

What’s in the Food pack?

Each Ramadan food pack includes a range of essential staple items (contents may differ slightly from country to country) and is designed to meet a family of six nutritional needs for the entire month. Our teams across the world carry out distributions to the most vulnerable who struggle on a daily basis for food security.

Food parcels will generally consist of rice, sugar, flour, oil, salt and Lentils etc. (Various items will vary in different countries)

Iftar meals will generally consist of bread, rice, chicken, meat and vegetables. (Various items will vary in different countries)

How can you help?

Donate food packs and feed an entire family for the month of Ramadan.

Donate your Fidyah and Kaffara to us so that we can provide meals to millions of needy people across the world.

Pay for iftar meals and make sure that when you are sitting to eat this Ramadan you are safe in the knowledge of knowing that you are feeding people who are in desperate need.

"Abdullah ibn" Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Worship the All-Merciful and feed people.

Hunger has been dubbed "The World’s Greatest Solvable Problem", for it requires no research or scientific breakthroughs.

Vulnerable People

Through our Vulnerable People programme, we provide specialised aid to those who are suffering the most. Within Islam, the care of orphans and widows is considered a significant duty. Hence, when families are tragically torn apart due to war, poverty or natural disaster, Al-Khair Foundation is there to offer a helping hand and get them back on their feet.

Our sponsorship projects are the perfect opportunity for donors to offer holistic care and support to grieving orphans and widows around the world. They include education, health care, shelter arrangements and critical psychological support. In the year 2018/2019, Al-Khair Foundation successfully improved the lives of 1,354 orphans across Palestine, Pakistan and Syria, and we are constantly striving to further our impact.

Religious Dues

Al-Khair Foundation's commitment to Islamic values underpins everything that we do. We enable Muslims within the UK and around the world to pay Zakat, give charity during Ramadan and perform Qurbani. We also encourage the giving of saddaqah and lillah, the payment of fidyah and kaffarah when applicable, and the performance of aqeeqah when a child is born.


Fidyah is only paid by one who cannot fast in Ramadhan, cannot make up for the missed fast/s at any other time after Ramadhan and is not expected to ever regain the ability to make up for the missed fast/s in their life.

All three conditions must be fulfilled. Otherwise, one does not pay Fidya but has to qadha of the missed fast/s.


Kaffara for a fast that was deliberately broken in the month of Ramadhan (by eating, drinking or having sexual intercourse) is that one must fast for two lunar months / 60 days consecutively, along with the qadha of the fast/s one had broken.

If one cannot fast and is not expected to ever regain the ability to keep the above-mentioned fasts in their life, then they must pay Kaffarah (and Fidyah/s for the broken fast/s).

The Messenger of Allah swt said: “whoever feeds a fasting person will have a reward like that of the fasting person, without any reduction in his reward” (Al-Tirmidhi).

Last year with your support, we distributed thousands of food packs and millions of meals across the world. This year, the need has increased and together we will do even more than ever before. We are distributing food packs in over 36 countries, we will be providing cooked meals in Palestine, Yemen and Lebanon through our kitchens. We have also shipped containers full of dates that we will distribute in Africa, the Middle East and the Turkey/Syria border.

We can make all the arrangements in the world but without your donations we can’t help all the people we want to reach. There is no better time than to donate food items than in Ramadhan. By donating, you can rest assured that when it is time to do your iftar you will have helped families across the world who will be doing iftar with the food you have donated. We call this the “tablecloth of imaan” and your reward for doing this great act lies with the Almighty Allah swt.

Iftar with the World

And they give (their own) food, in deep love of Allah, to the needy, the orphan and prisoner (out of sacrifice, despite their own desire and need for it),(And say:) ‘We are feeding you only to please Allah. We do not seek any recompense from you nor (wish for) any thanks.{Surah Al- Insan Chapter 76: Verse 8-9}

In Islam, feeding people carries great virtues as can be seen from Qur’an and Hadith, feeding people is among the best aspects of Islam.

(further countries may be added depending upon need and our ability to deliver)

How can you help?

Donate food packs and feed an entire family for the month of Ramadhan.

Donate your Fidyah and Kaffara to us so that we can provide meals to millions of needy people across the world.

Pay for iftar meals and make sure that when you are sitting to eat this Ramadhan you are safe in the knowledge of knowing that you are feeding people who are in desperate need.

‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr reported that the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, “Worship the All-Merciful and feed people.