Al-Khair Foundation Added to the United Nation’s Agenda for Humanity – Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation
Al-Khair Foundation was included in the UN’s Agenda for Humanity – Platform for Action, Commitments and Transformation (PACT). PACT is a dynamic advocacy tool for humanitarian organisations in their efforts to advance UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s Agenda for Humanity.
The Agenda for Humanity is a five-point plan that outlines the changes needed to alleviate suffering, reduce risk and lessen vulnerability on a global scale. The Agenda served as the overarching framework of the first-ever World Humanitarian Summit in Istanbul from 23-24 May 2016 in which Al-Khair Foundation was represented by its Chairman and Founder Imam Qasim Rashid Ahmad.
At the Summit, Al-Khair Foundation was one of over 700 local and international NGOs that not only demonstrated overwhelming support for the Agenda but also announced its commitments to turn it into reality. Al-Khair Foundation’s commitments to the Agenda for Humanity include:
1: adopting the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) statement on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse at the individual agency level;
2: making sustained funding conditional on the systematic collection of feedback from affected people on the quality and utility of humanitarian programmes;
3: establishing a common approach to providing information to affected people and collecting, aggregating and analysing feedback from communities to influence decision-making processes at strategic and operational levels;
4: adopting the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS) and International Aid Transparency Initiative Standard, with clear benchmarks for achieving these through the CHS Alliance self-assessment tool.
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